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Why would you choose Fidelis Commercial Realty, or why would you work with a commercial real estate broker at all?”


The answer is simple, and can be explained with the same reasoning that you would choose a specialized accountant to do your tax work, or a lawyer to fight your legal battles. With the countless intricacies in the real estate business, you can't be expected to have the most current information, or to be aware of all of the factors that could eventually impact your decision. Remember, in real estate, location is key, but even location is relative!  Your real estate installations probably represent the largest or second largest expense item in the operation of your business; a savings of 15%, 25% or even 50% of the related costs could make a substantial difference in your operating budget.


Here are the mistakes that businesses frequently make:


​The business is going well and I am happy just to renew my lease with my current landlord: RED FLAG!


Stop and think about the suitability of your premises, future growth potential, location, alternative options, etc. Even if it’s going well, it could always go better under different circumstances; and you can be certain that your competitors are seeking any advantage that might improve their business! Sometimes, the path of least resistance is the path to failure! At Fidelis, we’ll look closely at your real estate installations and make sure that your situation is optimal.


I have a residential broker acquaintance who helped me find my house and will help with me locate a new building for my business requirement: RED FLAG!

Would you take your car to a bicycle mechanic for service or repair?  Of course not; both specialties have their niche, and no one is expected to be an expert in both residential and commercial realty; the rules and regulations are in fact completely different, which is why they are separate disciplines under Quebec Real Estate Law.  At Fidelis, we don’t dabble in residential real estate; we focus on the commercial real estate market, and we know our discipline extremely well!


I’ll surf the internet and find options myself: RED FLAG!


Most third-party commercial real estate websites are terribly out of date, and you’ll waste a lot of time researching options that are no longer available. Quite often, the options listed on some websites make absolutely no sense whatsoever economically, and many of the options that are in fact available on the market are sometimes not even listed anywhere. At Fidelis, we’ll find you the most recent and up-to-date options, and we’ll provide relative comparables;  we might even propose options that are not even on the market. Ultimately, we’ll get all the details you’ll need in order to help you make an informed and educated decision.  



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